SITE: Site bounded by Carrick St/ Crimea St/ Brown St, Glasgow, G2 8PW

Valeo Management Europe is seeking engagement from the community on plans to redevelop a current commercial site for a proposed mixed-use development.

Under our proposals, detailed planning permission is sought for: “The Demolition of existing buildings and erection of Purpose Built Student Accommodation (Sui-Generis) including Commercial Unit, landscaping and associated works”.

Our proposals ensure The Glasgow City Mission building will be retained and woven into the design which create a fitting backdrop for the current structure.

The structures on the site which are to be demolished include a vacant former warehouse

The development will seek to repair the city block and fragmented urban fabric whilst acting as a catalyst for regeneration in the wider Broomielaw area

An approval for planning permission in principle currently exists on the site under planning reference 21/03803/PPP for an office which is now at odds with council desires for a mixed use Broomielaw to help activate the riverside (image below).

3D model of the CONSENTED office development on both north and south sites including the 17 storey office proposed on the north site (taken from the Design and Access Statement for 21/03803/PPP) . THESE ARE NOT OUR PROPOSALS FOR THIS SITE
Existing Site Plan – PAN red line boundary
Image above shows the 400m locality radius of the site which shows uses in the area and the
close proximity to Central Station

The development site offers an opportunity to realise key objectives of successful placemaking.

  • The repair of a city block.
  • Introduce an east-west area of public realm.
  • Provide urban densification.
  • By way of the wider masterplan, introduce a mix of uses.
  • Create active frontage.
  • Encourage active travel.
Site Aerial looking North East (Google Maps 2024)