Extract from the Glasgow City Centre SDF – Sustainable Densification and Urban Repair
Extract from the Glasgow City Centre SDF – Sustainable Densification and Urban Repair
Extract from Appendix B of the Glasgow City Centre SDF – Broomielaw Masterplan
Extract Glasgow City Centre SDF – Green-Blue-Grey Infrastructure


  • Focus on important planning history – planning permission in principle (21/03803/PPP) for office development and, separately, for the wider site as part of a ‘placemaking’ approach to future development.
  • Status of the PPP – acceptance of scale and massing in committee report narrative – the detail (layout, design, external appearance) is not yet approved.
  • The wider contextual place-making in Broomielaw.
  • Process – National Planning Framework (NPF) 4 – ‘Clyde Mission’ defines the waterfront as part of one of the ‘national developments’ necessitating specific procedures with Planning Committee and formal pre-application consultation. NPF4 emphasis on climate emergency.
  • Key policy point – loss of office (Financial Services District) – but support for a wider mix of uses in Glasgow City Centre 2050 Strategic Regeneration Framework. Car park to south is a consented housing site and part of housing land supply.
  • Student guidance – location, mix, amenity requirements.

A number of GCC documents will provide context for this development.

  • National Planning Framework Four 2023
  • Glasgow City Development Plan 2017
  • River Clyde Development Corridor Strategic Development Framework 2020

As a result, a number of key factors emerge.

  • Area of change (recent consents / applications) – 18/02540/PPP; 20/01366/MSC; 21/03803/PPP.
  • Opportunity to ‘repair’ the urban fabric in this under-used brownfield site.
  • Reinvention, reconnection, repair.
  • Highly accessible location
  • Principle accepted for residential development.
  • City Centre / Broomielaw Mixed-Use City Living / Strategic Economic Investment Location (SEIL) / International Financial Services District (IFSD).
  • Opportunity for City Centre Place Based Design Led Approach.
  • River Clyde is a SINC/Green Corridor.
  • Outwith / close to Glasgow Central Conservation Area; adjacent to a Category B listed structure.
  • Amenity/open space/public realm – to be an integral part of design process (CPD12 / IPG12) -5sqm amenity space per student bed space.
  • One bike rack for every two students.
  • SG10 – Statement of Student Need.

The Broomielaw district holds a history marked by rich diversity, having served as the traditional commercial epicenter of the city, with its quayside ranking among the busiest in the country. While it once thrived as a trading and industrial hub, the area is presently undergoing a transformative phase of regeneration.

Our proposals will be shaped around this wider vision and the resulting built forms will respect the existing fabric and facilitate those that follow.

This development will seek to achieve the following:

  • Creation of managed student accommodation units, with an even split of studios and cluster flats, that will seek to ease the current student housing shortage.
  • A car free development that promotes cycling, walking and use of public transport in an accessible sustainable location.
  • A positive redevelopment of an under-utilised brownfield site within the city centre.
  • Catalyse the wider ambitions reflected in the GCC ‘(Y) Our Broomielaw’ and the more recent River Clyde Development Corridor Strategic Development Framework.
  • Building on the recent extant consent 21/03803/PPP (class 4 office) with a use aimed at need and market requirements.