What is being proposed ?

We propose to erect a high-quality, purpose-built, managed, student accommodation for circa 550 students by way of fully-serviced apartments and a high level of amenity internally and externally.

The Glasgow City Mission Building was to be demolished in the Planning Permission in Principle – is this still the case?

No, the Glasgow City Mission is a relatively recent building of high architectural quality – our proposals will safeguard its future. Its retention is an integral part of these proposals.

When are you proposing to start work ?

Following a positive planning determination, the intentions are for works to start on site in 2026.

When would the students move in ?

The targeted date of entry is to serve the beginning of the academic year in August 2028.

Will there be a high turnover of residents ?

The length of stays will vary dependant on the course length of each individual student however this is no different to those staying in residential accommodation. It is also worth noting that Glasgow has a long-established tradition of ‘holding onto’ its student population post education with circa 46% of graduates going on to live and work in Glasgow. Retention of graduates is an important component of efforts to increase productivity (GVA) within Glasgow. Glasgow already benefits from one of the highest graduate retention rates in the country, meaning that growth of the student population in Glasgow is likely to result in future growth of the young, highly skilled workforce available to
employers based in the city.

What will be the general age group of potential residents ?

As is the case for the educational institutions that our accommodations serve, there will be a wide range of ages from all walks of life, living and studying with us. We are proud of the diverse communities that we create across our PBSA offerings.

Will the scheme provide car parking ?

Given the city centre location and readily available public transport links there is no intention to
provide car parking, and restrictions on car ownership can be enforced within the lease agreements. In full compliance with Glasgow planning policy, we intend to provide cycle parking for the student population.

How will waste and litter be controlled ?

A fully compliant waste strategy will be undertaken, and the proposals are for internal bin stores to reduce the number of off-street receptacles in the area.

How will noise and behaviour be managed ?

Our student accommodations are fully managed with clear and enforced social rules in place to maintain comfort to all residents and neighbours.

Who will manage the building ?

Unlike some developers that will build and then sell off the building, Valeo will manage the finished accommodation through the LIV Student arm of the company. We take ownership of our sites from concept, through delivery, and during occupation.

What will the retail unit be ?

The end user of this space is not confirmed at this stage. The proposed layout of the unit provides space that can accommodate a number of uses and will help contribute to the emerging Broomielaw locale.

Is there a need for more student accommodation ?

The need for further student accommodation in Glasgow is well documented with a number of press articles from the BBC and other leading news outlets. The shortfall has become so prevalent that reports have surfaced of universities requesting that some students defer their education until the following year. With Glasgow University alone contributing £4.4bn per annum to the UK economy, providing suitable accommodation is vital for maintaining the city ’s status within a competitive market.

How will this proposal help ease the residential housing shortage ?

A large number of Glasgow students live in HMOs within the city, which in turn is increasing pressure on the general housing stock.

What are the next steps ?

Following this consultation exercise, and the ongoing discussions with Glasgow City Council, we propose to submit a detailed planning application for the proposals in late September 2024. The Applicant and the Design Team will take full account of the comments made during this consultation stage and incorporate any changes required to the proposals ahead of submission.

The projected timeline is as follows:

  • 18th June 2024: Public consultation event no.1 [3pm-7pm @ Box hub]
  • 10th September 2024: Public consultation event no.2 [3pm-7pm @ Box Hub]
  • 24th September 2024: Feedback deadline from public consultation event no.2
  • 27th September 2024: Submission of planning application & supporting documents.
  • Spring 2025: Projected determination by Glasgow City Council

Once a planning application has been submitted, the full range of supporting documents (such as the Design and Access Statement) will be available for public viewing, and you will be provided with an opportunity to make formal comments to Glasgow City Council via the planning portal.