Valeo Management Europe is bringing forward proposals for a new Purpose-Built Student Accommodation development on Carrick Street, Glasgow. 

The site is positioned just north of the River Clyde Waterfront, on the edge of Glasgow City Centre and in an area undergoing dynamic rejuvenation. The proposed development presents a significant opportunity to realise the ongoing regeneration of the Broomielaw area, with its contribution to the diverse and thriving neighbourhood called for within the Council’s City Centre and River Clyde Corridor Strategic Development Frameworks. The resulting accommodation and commercial space will help realise the broader vision to develop Broomielaw into a vibrant, world-class residential and mixed-use environment, with an iconic riverfront setting.

Site location plan

In May 2024, a Proposal of Application Notice was submitted to Glasgow City Council, signalling the start of a statutory 12-week pre-application consultation period.  This consultation period provides an opportunity for the public to learn more about the proposals and to provide feedback, prior to the submission of an application for planning permission.

Get Involved

As part of our consultation process, we are holding a public consultation event on Tuesday 10th September between 3-7PM at Box Hub, Axiom Building ( 50 Washington St, Glasgow G3 8AZ ).  

Contact Us

If you require further information, please contact us on 0800 066 8943

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